At some point everyone experiences days which feel like they’ve got black clouds overhead and the outlook is gloomy. On those days it can feel like you’ll never be happy again, that there’s no hope and solutions seem far, far away. Most people are acutely aware of how much attitude can affect how we behave…
Letting off Steam the Safe Way
Anger gets a bad rap and sure enough, can cause a lot of damage if it’s not contained or used in a healthy way, but it is a normal and helpful emotion when used appropriately. Anger has a very definite purpose or else we wouldn’t experience it. Anger can be very informative and knowing how…
Perfectionism – What’s it costing you?
A large number of staff who work in schools are parents. Working parents today (especially mums) feel enormous pressure to achieve: happy and contented children ✓ amazing relationships ✓ well-nourished family ✓ clean and tidy home ✓ well cared for extended family ✓ ‘Awesome’ kids’ parties ✓ fit, healthy, vibrant and immaculately dressed ✓ gorgeous…
Outcomes That Count
Feeling pressured by expectations placed on you in the classroom? It’s not just you! We’re in the midst of a stress epidemic and it’s showing up everywhere. So how do we minimise it? It could come down to the questions you ask. Questions worth asking are: ‘How do I sustain myself?’ and then, ‘How do…