This is the second part of Gabbie Stroud’s summary of a recent webinar she delivered titled “How Am I Going to Last the Year? Survival Hacks for Teachers”. Hack seven: Get professional help If you’ve found yourself wishing for ‘a touch of Covid’ so you could have a week off work, your head’s not in…
Survival Hacks for Teachers -Part 1
If you’re already feeling burnt out, demoralised and exhausted (and it’s not even Term 2), you must remember that ‘it’s not you’ or something you did or didn’t do. The education system is currently overloaded and expecting more from teachers that can ever be delivered. It’s not you – it’s the system! This is a…
A Letter to Parents
The following is an excerpt from Gabbie Stroud’s excellent book “A Letter to Parents” Dear Parents & Caregivers, The entire process of parenting is a kind of letting go, isn’t it? Right from that moment when a newborn leaves its mother’s body our children are always growing away from us, growing up, becoming independent. And…