“I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my mood that sets the weather.” This quote from Haim Ginott is a two edged sword. Whilst it can inspire us, it is also a daunting reminder of the impact that we can have each day. Have you noticed…
Ten Tips for Beating Fatigue
I’m tired! There’s too much going on outside of work, too much work inside of work. I’m reaching the tired that obliterates memory of antidotes and there are still lessons to be planned, work to be marked and reports to be written. So I’m going to brainstorm a list of what helps to prevent plunges…
The Secret to a Great Year By Elena Aguilar
If I could, I’d lay money on the claim I’m about to make: If you do the one little thing I’m about to suggest, you will have a great school year. Here it is: At the end of every day, identify three things that went well. That’s part one — what went well? When did…