According to Stephen Covey, being a good listener is the fastest way to build trust. Often in schools we are so busy, that we don’t really listen. Mastering these active listening skills can build trust and make our lives easier. Be fully present – Give the other person your full attention. If you have found…
Three Gifts to Give Yourself this Christmas
Gift Number One – Presence You are about to take some well-earned time off to spend with loved ones, recharge your batteries and reconnect. This is often easier said than done as we struggle to wind down, to switch off and be fully present. Presence requires us to dig deep and fully savour those precious…
Change the Way You Look At Things
One of the key characteristics of highly resilient people is their ‘natural’ ability to reframe challenges as opportunities, to make lemonade out of lemons. I have used inverted commas for ‘natural’ because, whilst for many this is an intrinsic characteristic of optimism, for others it can be learned. Step 1 – Understand that Events can…
Can Emotional Resilience Be Learned?
Emotional resilience – is it just another trendy fad, designed to sell books and amuse university researchers, or is there something tangible to it that we can learn from, adopt and develop ourselves to be more optimistic? I’m in the happy camp here in that I prefer to lean to the latter statement. Emotional resilience…
Thriving in the Challenge of Change
Emotional resilience – is it just another trendy fad, designed to sell books and amuse uni students, or is there something tangible to it that we can learn from, adopt and develop ourselves to be more optimistic? I’m in the happy camp here in that I prefer to lean to the latter statement. Emotional resilience…