The number one goal of my work is to share strategies that make teaching that not only more effective and efficient but also enjoyable. When you continually make a series of small positive choices, they eventually become strong, unshakable habits that are an essential part of who you are. Share your authentic self to bring…
Learn to Manage Your Most Important Resource: Energy
Your motivation at work is directly related to how you spend your personal time. If you don’t do anything after school that is re-energising, you are going to go back into the classroom the next day feeling even more depleted. The job will take even more out of you and you are going to get…
Try the 2×10 Strategy to Reach That Difficult Student (Part 2)
The 2×10 strategy is simple: spend 2 minutes per day for 10 days in a row talking with an at-risk student about anything she or he wants to talk about. This simple strategy builds rapport and lets the student see that you genuinely care about them as a person. I don’t have time to talk individually with kids. You may…
Try the 2×10 Strategy to Reach That Difficult Student (Part 1)
Many teachers are talking about the success they are having with a strategy for working with a student for whom no other solutions seem to work. The 2×10 strategy is simple: spend 2 minutes per day for 10 days in a row talking with an at-risk student about anything she or he wants to talk about. This simple strategy builds…