Most of us wander around in a daze of unconsciousness! Our eyes are open but our brains are not registering what is really happening in our world and how we are shaping it! What would your world be like if you were really aware of what your contribution was to every situation you find yourself…
Fear and How to Do It
A popular saying is ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. The theme behind the saying is common – if you are scared of something, walk up to it, meet it head on and you may be surprised that it’s not as scary as you thought. Remember the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz?…
Your Mood Matters
The Harvard Business Review (HBR) lists emotional intelligence (EQ) as the number one quality of a great leader. The essence of EQ is to know yourself, manage yourself and manage relationships. Knowing yourself is the key as it allows you to manage yourself, which allows you to manage others. Out of all the various aspects…
Change Your Reality
Life is really not about reality. It’s about our perception of what is happening around us and to us; what we say to ourselves about it; how we view it or feel about it. That’s the beauty of the human brain – we have choices. We have options in terms of how we behave, respond,…
Attitude Adjustment Hour- Part 2
In part 1, I wrote about the importance of reflecting on our attitude and adjusting it, if necessary, through an Attitude Adjustment Hour. I challenged you to get some feedback from your partner or children about the attitude you display when you get home each day. I’d suggest it might be a good exercise to…
Attitude Adjustment Hour- Part 1
Most of us would be familiar with the term ‘Happy Hour’ (also known in some places as ‘attitude adjustment hour’) used by many hotels to promote their half price drinks between 5pm ish and 6pm ish. How awful that we link alcohol with attitude adjustment but the concept of attitude adjustment is great. ‘Attitude’ is…
The Joy of Change (Part 1)
This is my next mission – to help people understand that change is possible and can be joyful. The good news is that science says we can change! We are not hard wired. A leopard can change its spots. Well, maybe a leopard can’t, but we can! Essentially, neuroplasticity describes the brain’s ability to set…
Life Is Not the Way It Is Supposed to Be- Part 2
In part one I paraphrased a quote from Virginia Satir “Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. It’s what we chose to do with it , that makes the difference.“ So, how serene are you? Do you ever have a feeling of equilibrium or a deep…
Life Is Not the Way It Is Supposed to Be- Part 1
I found this fantastic quote and thought ‘wow’! “Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.“ Virginia Satir Of course! But often it’s the most obvious things that we lose sight of in this…
Putting Heart and Fun Back into Work
The more we can connect at a heart level with others and inspire them with our character and our behaviours, the stronger a team we forge. CONNECTION – IT’S CRITICAL Emotional intelligence is all about being connected. Connection is a key to all life, let alone work. Research shows us that people who are disconnected…